
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book Tuesday: A+ Workbooks

Well, bonjour and happy Tuesday to you!

Very quick post today. Both the kids are out of camp, and it's hectic trying to post. Just three more weeks until public schools start again. Summer went by so quickly. I can't believe it's almost time to go back.

Along those lines,  for Book Tuesday today, I thought I'd talk about the books, er workbooks, we've been using lately. I guess you could say I've been a bad parent over the summer, contributing to the hated "summer loss" teachers talk about. We've done nothing school related.

So, at Target recently, I saw these A+ workbooks. And they're great for kids to get them back in the school mindset. I bill them to my kids as "activity books" because they usually have at least one or two fun activities in them, and they are great for recapping math and reading principles kids learned in school. The books are $1 apiece at Target (though if you wait, there's usually a regular $1 bin purge that will put them at half price for even better, 75 percent off).

I got addition and subtraction for my daughter and multiplication and division for my son. They also have interesting books on astronauts, presidents and other interesting topics. We've been doing half-a-dozen pages each day, and so long as I call them "activity books" the kids do them with good cheer.  So, if you're looking for something fun and educational for your kids to do, check these out.

That's it for today.

-Hyattsville Mom

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